The Execution Of Truth
The Suppression Of Truth We Are Seeing Now
The suppression of truth we are seeing now is part of a natural progression (which is why the communists refer to themselves as progressives); it shouldn’t surprise anyone, and it is nothing but a harbinger of much worse things to come.

There is much truth in the saying that the pen is mightier than the sword, and that truth is not lost on those who are dedicated to becoming our absolute rulers.
So it should be no surprise that wherever the liberal cult is in control, as on internet sites and in the government schools and liberal media for example, censorship of patriots and Christians is common.
Why Communists Call Themselves Progressives
The suppression of truth we are seeing now is part of a natural progression (which is why the communists refer to themselves as progressives); it shouldn’t surprise anyone, and it is nothing but a harbinger of much worse things to come.
One way they do this is by defining expressions of truth as hate, and then banning anything they define as hate. Just look at how many years, even decades, the following definitions have been fed to indoctrinated cattle, through both the schools and liberal media, with government backing them up:
1, Intense and unapologetic non-acceptance of liberal dogma.
2, The expression of truth that has been forbidden by the high seers of liberalism, America’s official state religion.
3, Holding a strong belief that America is a great nation and good place to live, with a right to protect its sovereignty and choose who gets to come in and become a citizen.
4, Believing that the Bible is the word of God.
hate crime:
1, any crime that originates from hate, as defined in this dictionary.
2, A politically incorrect crime, that is, one based in thought that has been forbidden by the high seers of the official state religion.
hate speech:
1, Speech containing truth that conflicts with liberal dogma.
2, Any expression of thought defined as hate-based (see hate in this dictionary).
The words dangerous, terrorist, and extremist can replace the word hate in these definitions and they fit just the same.
Look deep into your own mind my friend, and you will probably see that there is truth that is essential to countering the lies of the communist insurgency that even you dare not speak, out of fear of the tyrant’s thought police.
One example is the proven fact that black people have an average IQ that is 15 points below the average white IQ, and that is the reason for the disparity in income and general quality of life between the two groups. The lie about the reason for this disparity is an important part of the insurgency, with much built on it.
And this is just one example; there are others.
A Means To An End
With these tools, those who are building the machinery of tyranny are able to censor the truth that gets in the way of their agenda. So remember that nothing this enemy does is an end is itself; all of it is a means to an end, and what that end is should be clear to anyone but the most blind.