The American patriot has the power to remove the gang of traitors
Cowardice in the face of aggression is and always has been a self-defeating strategy
Another thought-provoking article by Bob @
The American patriot has the power to remove the gang of traitors, bring them to justice, and restore the Republic, but has been duped into laying down and doing nothing but rely on a ruined political system

This is an old joke, adjusted to fit a debate going on in America today among those who call themselves patriot:
This guy and his wife are surrounded and taken control of by a gang. The gang leader draws a circle around the guy and tells him that he better not step across that line. Then the gang brutally rapes his wife over and over, beating her half to death while they do it. Finally the gang gets bored and leaves.
The woman notices that her husband is laughing his head off. She asks him what he’s laughing about, and he says: while they were busy with you, I stepped over that line three times! And they never even knew that I had this Glock 17 and 10 extra fully loaded magazines with me! See what a smart guy I am? I knew better than to let them taunt me into initiating violence!
The guy in this analogy is the guy who says patriots better not get organized into a militia because it might upset the criminal gang that illegally seized control of the government, even though there is nothing illegal about forming a militia, and we do have the power to save the Republic. But he’s confident that we’ll get them in the next election, because we already got some fake Republicans elected.
The American patriot has the power to remove the gang of traitors, bring them to justice, and restore the Republic, but has been duped into laying down and doing nothing but rely on a ruined political system, even while America is trampled to death right before his eyes, because that’s what smart guys supposedly do.
So remember this: what is called liberalism is communism’s child, and it’s growing up to be just like its father, but even uglier, because of its overt devil worship, and the communists killed a hundred million people, so far, and enslaved many times that number, terrorizing them and making them live in misery. Communism’s child will do all of that, and more.
Action has consequences my friends, but so does inaction. Cowardice in the face of aggression is and always has been a self-defeating strategy.

The American patriot has the power to remove the gang of traitors