
Bank Failure Tsunami !!!
186 Banks Near Collapse
Casey does an excellent job of putting our current crypto situation in perspective
86 Banks Near Collapse 🚨 Fed Will Not Save Them All! 💣 🏦 (Bond Market Signaling Tsunami 🌊!)
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“SYSTEMIC BANK FAILURES?” 🏦💥 HAPPENING SOON! Hello, fam! Crypto Casey, here 👋 and I’m on a mission to improve people’s lives through crypto education. In this important video, we explore how the bond market is signaling an incoming tsunami of bank failures… Let’s jump in! ▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTERS 💬 (Watch to the end!) 00:00 – Shiz Just got REAL 00:22 – WATCH ENTIRE CLIP 05:09 – Fed Destroying Community Banking 06:19 – How Crisis was Created 06:40 – BTC Use Case is Different 07:27 – Gov Weaponizing Market Chaos 08:12 – US Scrambling 09:11 – Bond Market Freaking Out 10:48 – Best/Worst Crypto Scenarios 12:03 – US Shooting Itself in the Foot 13:04 – What We Need to Do Now 13:30 – Diversify Investment Portfolio 14:47 – Fed’s Next Move 16:50 – Importance of Bitcoin
Bank Failure Tsunami !!!
0:00shiz just got real real real0:03nobody has an attention span anymore0:04however I implore you to take five bull0:07minutes to watch this entire video clip0:09of U.S treasury secretary Janet Yellen0:11confirming that the U.S government and0:13Regulators will pick and choose which0:15banks get bailed out are they causing a0:18bank run on purpose are small Banks0:20toast you decide check it out I don’t0:22have time I need to be able to drill on0:24a couple things let me start with some0:25of the banking issues we’re dealing with0:26on it0:27will the deposits in every Community0:29Bank in Oklahoma regardless of their0:32size be fully insured now are they fully0:36recovered every Bank every Community0:38Bank in Oklahoma regardless of the size0:40of the deposit will they get the same0:42treatment that0:44svbp just got or Signature Bank just got0:49Bank only gets that treatment if a0:53majority of the FDIC board a super0:56majority is super majority of the FED0:59board and I in consultation with the1:03president determine that the failure to1:07protect uninsured depositors would1:11create systemic risk and significant1:14economic and financial consequences so1:17what is your plan that determination1:20right so so what is your plan1:22to keep large depositors from moving1:26their funds out of Community Banks into1:29the big Banks we have seen the mergers1:32of banks over the past decade1:34I’m concerned you’re about to accelerate1:36that by encouraging anyone who has a1:39large deposit in a community bank to say1:40we’re not going to make you whole but if1:43you go to one of our preferred Banks we1:46will make you whole at that point1:51um look I mean we’re that’s certainly1:55not something that we’re encouraging1:57that is happening right now2:00that is happening because depositors are2:04concerned about the bank failures that2:07have happened and whether or not other2:09Banks could also uh no it’s happening2:12because you’re fully insured no matter2:14what the amount is if you’re in a big2:16Bank you’re not fully insured if you’re2:18in a Community Bank well2:20you’re not fully insured and you you2:23were in signature and it was it just2:26barely met that threshold you were at2:27signature2:29well we2:31felt that there was a serious risk of2:34contagion that could have brought down2:37and triggered runs on many banks2:41and that something given that our2:45judgment is that the banking system2:47overall is safe and sound2:52depositors should have confidence in the2:55system and we took these actions so2:57there’s a special assessment that’s been2:59done on Community Banks in my state and3:01all banks across the country was there3:03any discussion that that special3:04assessment would only apply to the3:07larger Banks or was it always assumed a3:09special assessment would cover every3:11Bank including rural banks in my state3:14um I I think I I’m not certain what the3:17rules are around that3:19um that that’s for the FDIC to determine3:22it has been reported publicly that svb3:27had a large number of Chinese investors3:30that are there including some that were3:31companies directly connected to the3:33Chinese Communist Party3:35will those individual those individuals3:39companies entities and investors3:41that are Chinese investors be made whole3:44based on Assessments in my banks in3:48Oklahoma so what I’m asking is will my3:50banks in Oklahoma pay a special3:53assessment to be able to make Chinese3:55investors whole from Silicon Valley Bank3:58uninsured investors will be made whole4:01in that bank and I suppose that could4:04include foreign and foreign depositors4:07but I don’t believe there’s any legal4:10basis to discriminate among uninsured I4:13get it but I’m just saying my Community4:15Banks are going to pay this additional4:18fee it is always fascinating to me as4:19well the conversation that taxpayers are4:22being made whole in this taxpayers are4:24not going to have any kind of4:25consequence on this I’m sure my Bankers4:27are going to be very excited to know4:28they no longer pay taxes and their banks4:32no longer pay taxes credit unions don’t4:33pay taxes Banks do and so they’re4:36definitely taxpayers as well and all4:39banks make their revenue off of rates4:42and fees and such to their account4:44holders which means every Oklahoman will4:46pay higher fees4:50laps of the banking system and its4:54Economic Consequences that will have4:57very severe effects on banks in Oklahoma5:00that will also be threatened I’m just5:03worried about this worried about the5:05long term we are going to have to move5:07on but we’re not going to get all5:08senators in Senator Cortez Master yes in5:11a mere five minutes the U.S treasury5:12secretary conceded that the FED is5:14destroying the U.S Community banking5:16system5:17why they are using this crisis that they5:20created to usher in a new orwellian5:22Financial system controlled by their own5:24Central Bank digital currency or cbdc5:26how did they do it hello I’m crypto5:28Casey and in this video we are going to5:30explore the absolute tsunami of bank5:31failures that is headed our way and how5:34unprecedented Financial history is5:36unfolding right before our very eyes5:37let’s hit it5:41please check out our sponsors coin5:43Ledger nordvpn and Ledger start getting5:45your crypto taxes sorted out with coin5:47Ledger’s cryptocurrency and nft tax5:49software that will save you time and5:51help maximize your refund secure your5:52data privacy and access to important5:54financial and cryptocurrency accounts5:56from hackers and trackers by using5:58virtual private Network Services5:59provided by nordvpn which we could6:01redeem for a special discount below and6:03please make sure you are taking complete6:05control and ownership of all your6:07digital assets and cryptocurrencies by6:09using secure Cold Storage Hardware Watts6:11like Ledger devices so make sure to6:12scroll down and use links below to6:14access the correct and official sites as6:15well as redeem any special offers they6:17have for us all while supporting the6:18channel sweet so how did the FED create6:21this crisis and what are they trying to6:23blame it on here’s a tweet by Dan6:24McArdle that summarizes it nicely so6:27Regulators Force Banks to hold tons of6:29treasuries banks load up during zurped6:31fed Prince five trillion dollars oh my6:33God inflation Jerome hikes at fastest6:36Pace ever bonds crash Banks realize6:38massive losses if depositors demand6:40withdrawals everyone blames Bitcoin and6:42crypto LOL but as banks are collapsing6:44Bitcoin is no longer being treated as a6:47tech stock it is a completely different6:48use case now for people that have had6:51the realization and if you haven’t or if6:53someone you know and care about hasn’t6:54had this realization watch and share6:56this video breaking it all down by6:57clicking on the link above and just to6:59be Crystal Clear it’s not about trying7:00to convince people of something we all7:02have our own beliefs have our own unique7:04experiences and perspectives on all7:06aspects of life so it’s actually a7:08matter of knowing and understanding7:10something before everyone else which at7:12some point in the future everyone else7:14will know and understand it and at that7:16point we are likely looking at a 100K7:17Bitcoin and Beyond so by knowing and7:19understanding how Bitcoin works and what7:21problems it solves early we will likely7:24reap the benefits of its potential7:25substantial increase over time the7:27government is weaponizing Market chaos7:29to try and kill Bitcoin in crypto by7:31shutting down access to and from7:33traditional Financial systems like the7:35banks and in reality yes banking is a7:38necessary evil for us to transact7:39unfortunately for now but they they need7:42us more than we need them because if we7:44are able to shift to using Bitcoin or7:46another blockchain based decentralized7:48transparent and immutable cryptocurrency7:50we do not need to use Banks we can7:52transact directly with each other7:53quickly efficiently and cheaply without7:55the need for third-party intermediaries7:56like Banks so am I worried about the7:58concerted effort by the US government to8:00choke Fiat to crypto on and off ramps8:02not really because there will always be8:04entrepreneurs somewhere out there8:06looking to fill and need and provide8:07value to the world so as crypto on an8:10off-ramp shut down it just creates8:11opportunities for someone else to fill8:13the space the US is clearly scrambling8:15to maintain its power and status as the8:17world’s observe currency and it’s8:19willing to sacrifice anything and8:21everything else to do it including small8:23Banks the taxpayers and its Society at8:25large what else are they willing to8:27sacrifice sacrifice people’s lives8:29including U.S citizens they’re likely8:30willing to initiate World War III to8:32retain its hegemonic Supremacy because8:34the dollar is absolutely wavering and8:37getting worse as the money printers have8:39officially fired back up fed’s New Beat8:41tfp facility is stealth quantitative8:44easing injecting up to two trillion8:46dollars in liquidity JPMorgan concludes8:48so inflation will continue to spiral out8:51of control and it is legalized theft and8:53that it degrades devalues and dilutes8:55our US dollars that we trade our most8:57precious limited resource for time as9:00well as energy which is a violation of9:01our property rights as we’ve been9:03harping on here on the channel Our Lives9:05Liberty and property are in Jeopardy and9:07the markets reflect people’s overall9:09feelings and sentiment so if we look at9:11the bond market in particular it clearly9:13indicates that No One Believes these9:14bailouts are going to work George Gammon9:16brought up a great analogy in one of his9:18recent videos I will share with you here9:20to illustrate the fact that smart money9:22in the bond market is preparing for a9:24financial meltdown while everyone else9:25may think this is an isolated event this9:28sunometer is a tsunami detection device9:30and this little wave here is silvergate9:32Silicon Valley Bank and signature Banks9:34collapse as well as credit swisses near9:36collapse so you can see hardly9:38noticeable on the surface of the water9:39so most people are shrugging it out off9:41now as the wave comes upon the sonometer9:43danger is detected in the sonometer in9:46this analogy is the bond market and it9:49signals to this surface buoy and9:51satellite smart money that a disaster is9:53imminent which then warns the facilities9:55on the shoreline us and most of us are9:58either ignoring the signal don’t10:00understand the signal or hear the signal10:02loud and clear and if the bond market10:04signals aren’t compelling enough check10:06out this chart this arrow is pointing10:08out Silicon Valley Bank that went bust10:10and all these Banks to the right of it10:12are actually more risky and slightly10:14worse off than Silicon Valley Bank over10:1634 more banks are at risk of failure and10:19all the way to the left here we show10:21what will likely become the only big10:22Banks to exist alongside the central10:25bank or Federal Reserve once their10:27centralization and consolidation plan10:29for the US banking system is complete10:31JPMorgan Bank of America Citibank and10:33Wells Fargo this is the impending10:35tsunami the bond market is warning us10:37about massive systemic bank failures and10:39not all of them will be bailed out10:41that’s what U.S treasury secretary Janet10:43Yellen said today the FED will pick and10:45choose which banks get bailed out we are10:47in the midst of an arms race our10:49generation’s most important arms race10:51against the U.S Central Bank other big10:53Banks and their bomb paid for government10:55and Regulators so what is the best case10:57scenario for crypto I think this tweet10:59by Ryan sulcus sums it up nicely my11:01rough prediction for the next 12 months11:031. more bank failures in the next couple11:05of weeks two fed Cuts QE is back three11:08Bitcoin climbs sustained moderate11:11inflation 4. outside money or sound the11:13money gets Bitcoin to 100K five11:16institutions buy faster than the feds11:18can shut down game this is an optimistic11:21bet on the future as Bitcoin is treated11:23as a life raft and peaceful option but11:25the key is threading the needle so11:27institutions can buy it and defend it11:29alongside Us best case scenario right11:31now cool so what’s the worst case11:33scenario for crypto like we’ve been11:35discussing for years now at this point11:36it hasn’t changed if a binance the11:39largest crypto exchange or if tether the11:41largest stable coin by market cap goes11:43bust crypto will tumble significantly it11:46wouldn’t die but it would be bad11:47definitely the worst case scenario if11:49U.S regulators and the government are11:51successful in their attempt to sever11:52connections between our traditional11:54Financial system and crypto crypto won’t11:56die sure it sucks that a lot of us money11:58will be prevented from entering the12:00space but crypto will continue to exist12:01the US can’t stop it all the US would be12:04doing is preventing itself from12:06participating in this most important12:08phase of the entire internet Revolution12:10as well as the next largest incoming12:12asset class in the world crypto is12:14moving and will continue to move12:15offshore depriving the US from one of12:18the most important Innovations in human12:20history all in a futile effort to12:22maintain the hegemony of its corrupt12:24Ponzi scheme the US dollar fiat currency12:26by committing one of the most heinous12:28power grabs in human history12:29implementing a central bank digital12:31currency that is programmed to do12:33whatever they want based on Power and12:36greed none of what’s happening and what12:38will happen as Banks continue to12:39collapse around the world would have12:41been impossible in the truly12:43decentralized transparent auditable and12:45over collateralized crypto asset12:47ecosystem crypto is the Apex Financial12:49Predator it is the solution to all of12:51the central points of failure opacity12:53and blatant corruption and the current12:55Global Financial system that’s why12:57they’re trying to make it a scapegoat12:58for a crisis they likely plan and are13:00executing which you can check out why by13:03clicking on the link above in the midst13:04of it all Bitcoin and crypto has been13:06decoupling from the stock market and13:08behaving like a safe haven asset along13:10with gold as prices appreciate so what13:13should we do as crypto investors simple13:15stay calm focus on what we can control13:17commit to doing the best we can with13:20what we’ve got keep working on13:22increasing our income and cash flow and13:24stay disciplined also diversifying our13:26wealth is more crucial than ever check13:27out treasury bills stocks bonds real13:30estate gold silver Bitcoin ether and13:32also consider the unique time-tested13:34uncorrelated asset class of fine art13:36with Masterworks platform art is one of13:39the oldest asset classes there are in13:41fact fact Sotheby’s is the oldest13:43company on the New York Stock Exchange13:44nearly 275 years old so people have been13:47trading art for centuries and typically13:49only the ultra wealthy have had access13:51to Fine Art Investments until now13:53Masterworks removes the barriers we13:55would otherwise face if we tried to13:57invest in art on our own because the13:59costs are extremely high for the average14:00investor so they take this very large14:02asset class which is roughly 1.714:05trillion dollars and make it accessible14:06to a wider range of investors with their14:09platform that transforms physical art14:11into share-based ownership here’s how it14:13works Masterworks uses their expertise14:15to select and buy art they believe to be14:18investment grade paintings then they14:19file it with the SEC similar to how a14:22company goes public and finally they14:24sell shares of the painting which allows14:26people like us to own fractions of14:28pieces of Fine Art so this is the first14:30opportunity for anyone to invest in14:32multi-million dollar artworks in14:34Masterworks has become so popular that14:36there is a wait list to join however if14:38you use the link below we can skip the14:39waitlist and start diversifying our our14:41investment portfolios into this unique14:43asset class so scroll down and check it14:45out cool so the question on everyone’s14:48mind now is what is the fed the U.S14:50Central Bank going to decide about14:52interest rates at its next fomc or14:55Federal Open Market Committee meeting14:56next week on March 21st and 22nd well15:00surely since QE or quantitative easing15:02has started they won’t hike rates15:04further right wrong the ECB or European15:07Central Bank has been doing both15:09printing money and increasing interest15:11rates over the past nine months and just15:13this week the European Central Bank15:15hikes rates despite Market Mayhem15:17pledges support if needed they increased15:19by 0.5 50 basis points insane is the Fed15:24going to follow suit let me know what15:26you think in the comments below my15:28random wild guess is that I truly don’t15:29know there are likely three scenarios a15:32half a percent hike just like the ECB a15:34quarter percent hike or no wait If the15:36Fed really planned this whole crisis to15:38orchestrate the most heinous power grab15:40of all time they they will hike 50 basis15:42points or a quarter basis point or if15:44they really want to try and undo the15:46mess they’ve created they will not hike15:48at all or would decrease interest rates15:50because as we’ve been discussing on the15:51channel they will only stop once they15:53reach their two percent inflation Target15:55or when something big breaks something15:57big has broken and they have fired up15:59the money printers so their two percent16:01inflation Target is likely out of the16:02window however as we discussed in a16:04recent video together this may have all16:06been planned to usher in their Central16:08Bank digital currency if that’s the case16:10then they will hike and continue16:12systematically destroying the U.S16:14Community banking system in order to16:15centralize and consolidate Power by the16:17way this is all great for Bitcoin in16:19crypto long term but this is very very16:21bad for pretty much everything and16:22everyone else the current situation is16:24disturbing and the future is uncertain16:26there is a massive financial crisis16:28underway Banks across the country are16:30sitting on massive losses some will go16:32insolvent and some will not get bailed16:34out in the end I’m hopeful that Bitcoin16:36crypto and truly decentralized16:38transparent and immutable Financial16:40systems will urge Like a Phoenix From16:42the Ashes of This Disaster so now is the16:44time to get curious about Bitcoin to get16:46knowledgeable about this new16:47revolutionary technology and to spread16:50awareness about it with our friends and16:51family awesome so if you would like to16:53learn more about how Bitcoin works and16:55why it’s revolutionary technology can16:57help us maintain power over some of our16:58wealth check out this video if you would17:00finally like to have that Eureka moment17:02about how cryptocurrency wallets seed17:04phrases and private Keys work check out17:05this video and to skip the Masterworks17:07waitlist click on this link on the17:09screen like And subscribe for more be17:10safe out thereEnglish (auto-generated)
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