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Regarding the Trump Assassination Attempt…


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Author of How to Prep When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

The Trump assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania yesterday has spawned all sorts of gossip, theory, and opinions, mixed with a wee bit of fact.

Before we dive in, here is the footage of the attempt, caught live and streamed to the world.

President Trump was injured when the bullet grazed his ear. If he hadn’t turned his head at exactly the right moment, we’d be talking about his funeral. A person behind the former president was shot and died immediately. Two other rallygoers were wounded.

UPDATE: The deceased victim was identified as Corey Comperetore, a retired fire chief who died heroically shielding his two daughters with his own body.

Trump was subsequently checked out at a local hospital and quickly released a statement on Truth Social saying he was fine.


Terrible MSM coverage

First of all, the MSM reliably downplayed the attempted and used it as a way to try to make former Pres. Trump look foolish. Behold some of the ridiculous headlines.

Pretty vile coverage, yes? It took hours before they admitted this was an assassination attempt.

Meanwhile, on social media

On social media, you could also rely on the liberal denizens of X to be nasty. The hashtags #onejob (reference to “you just had one job and you messed it up”) and #theymissed trended for hours.

There were many tweets (are they still called tweets? xeets? I have no idea) that bemoaned the shooter’s inaccurate aim, including a few that branched into outright hysteria at the “missed opportunity.”

Others claimed this was a false flag, created by the Republicans to buy voter sympathy and votes.

All the unmitigated hatred aside, the network also exploded with well wishes and prayers for Trump and the other victims who were injured or killed.

The Secret Service seemed inept.

If I were Trump, I’d probably hire some private security after this fiasco. The agents seemed like they had no idea what they were doing. Trump hit the deck well before they got to him, basically saving himself. They didn’t do the most coordinated job getting him off the stage either. (Should short people be part of a detail where they’re literally supposed to block bullets for a tall person?) One of the agents had a heck of a time reholstering her weapon.

But it gets even worse than that. The Trump campaign has repeatedly requested a larger Secret Service contingency and that has been repeatedly denied. Were there enough agents to reliably secure the venue? It seems doubtful.

Unless….and bear with me…someone involved was kinda sorta hoping this might happen?

I’m not saying that they arranged it, but more than one rally attendee approached the police, telling them they saw a man with a gun climbing a nearby building. And they didn’t check it out? What?

Furthermore, attendees saw the shooter BEFORE the Secret Service did and it appears, before a shot was fired, because Trump was still speaking when members of the audience were yelling, “he’s got a gun!” and “he’s on the roof!”

What in the world is going on here? Is this ineptitude or something else?

The shooter

Secret Service snipers neutralized the shooter within seconds of the first shot ringing out, though he was still able to get off a total of eight shots. Crooks was identified by DNA, as his face was unrecognizable after he was shot, and he was not carrying any ID.

The NY Post broke his identity, and had some really confusing details to add.

According to state voter status records, he was a registered Republican.

He also made a single $15 donation to the liberal ActBlue political action committee on Jan. 20, 2021 — President Biden’s Inauguration Day, the Intercept reported.

At the time of the donation, Crooks was 17 years old. He registered to vote upon turning 18 in September of that same year as a member of the GOP, records show.

Crooks was a member of the 2022 graduating class at Bethel Park High School, the school district confirmed Sunday morning.

So, was he a Republican for real? If so, why on earth would he shoot a candidate who was well on his way to the White House?

Or was he a Democrat, as his donation indicates? Did he register Republican to vote against Trump in the primary?

So far, no motive has been revealed. Former classmates called him “a loner” with “not many friends.”

More questions than answers

As with all events of this nature, the whole thing has left us with more questions than answers. I’m heartbroken to hear about the death of the audience member and the injuries of two others. I’m relieved that Trump survived. And honestly, it’s pretty bad ass to be grazed by a bullet, then get up and pump your fist in the air and yell “Fight!” I can only imagine if a similar situation arose at a Biden rally, given the current president’s slow cognition and lack of balance.

There is no place for violence in our election system. We are not a banana republic, even though we’ve sure been leaning that way recently. I don’t want to see anyone take out either candidate. I want to see a fair and free election.

Do you have other observations you’d like to add?  Any theories? Any disagreements with my assessment?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section. (Please be civil.)

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand You can find her on FacebookPinterestGabMeWeParlerInstagram, and Twitter.


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