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Vegetables to Plant in June for a Late Summer Harvest


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Any number of things can keep you out of the garden in April and May, weather problems, work commitments, family problems . . . we’ve all been there. But there’s still time to plant for a late-summer harvest! There are plenty of yummy late summer vegetables to plant (in mid to late June) and get a nice harvest before the summer ends.

crop of onions growing in garden

You’ll definitely want to review this list of master gardener tips and as well as the household items you can use as organic fertilizer. And while you’re at it, be sure to download my printable Gardening Self-Assessment. This handy tool will help you troubleshoot any gardening issues, plan your best “plant by” dates for your area, and find solutions to your gardening challenges. You can find that printable self-assessment here. Now let’s talk about what you can still get planted now and also talk about a few things that you can wait on and plant in about 5 or 6 weeks (Around August 1st for most of us).

June Planting for a Late Summer Harvest

Here’s what you can add to your garden right now:


This late in the year you want to be thinking about smaller, quicker maturing varieties. Try some type of cherry tomato (varieties to look for include Sun Sugar, and Sweet 100). They are relatively fast growers and should still give you a good harvest in September and early October. Most nurseries will still have these in stock, but act fast! You can also opt for bigger plants. (Don’t try to plant tomatoes by seed this time of year.)

You can also try some of the tomatoes that produce small to medium sized fruit. Think varieties like Early Girl, possibly Celebrity, or many of the Roma tomatoes. Try to find tomatoes that grow on determinate vines (vs indeterminate) as these will spent less time growing vines and more time growing fruit. The 6 weeks you have lost in growing time means you won’t have a huge harvest this year, but if you get them in soon you should still have plenty for fresh eating and, hopefully, canning! There are also lots of ways to use tomato powder and you could make it yourself!

Summer Squash

Zucchini and yellow crookneck squash are actually quite fast growing. Look for varieties that have a maturity date of around 60 to 70 days and you should still have lots of time to grow more zucchini than you can eat! You could also look for a patty pan squash with a short maturity date.

Green Beans

Most bush type green beans have a maturity date of around 60 to 70 days, so there is plenty of summer left for beans. In fact, I don’t make my last planting of green beans until mid-July and still have a great harvest, including plenty to can following these easy instructions.


If you would still like to plant a melon, you have a little bit of time left, but choose the small “ice box” types as those take much less time to mature. You can also get cantaloupe planted now. Again, don’t expect a huge harvest this year, but you will still have a few melons that will be ready before the frost comes.


If you can find the seed still around at your local nurseries, there is time to grow a nice crop of potatoes. In fact, you could continue to plant potatoes until mid-July in most areas of the country and still get a nice harvest of small roasting potatoes. This time of the year I would stay away from the big “baking” potatoes, like russets. You are running short of time to get them to maturity.


Cucumbers are a good late season planter. Again, you may not get the huge yields you are used to, but by planting seeds now, you can still have a fairly respectable crop.


If you can still find a package of onion sets at your local nursery, they will do okay this time of year. You won’t get a lot of large onions but you will have plenty of smaller onions and green onions. Don’t try growing onions from seed or starts this late in the year.


Many herbs will still do well if planted this time of year. It would be best to plant starts instead of trying to plant seeds.

Seeds to Start Now for Transplanting in Mid-August

Extend your harvest season by starting seeds indoors now for transplanting in mid-August. Learn more about what vegetables to plant in late summer and fall.

Cole Crops

Broccoli, cabbage, kale, and kohlrabi all thrive in cooler weather. If you grow your own seedlings, mid-June is a good time to start a fall crop of all these yummy cool season veggies. If you plant any of the cole crops indoors now, they will be ready for planting out in the garden in about 6 to 8 weeks.

That means you will be planting them around mid-August, and they will mature in October when the weather has cooled back to those temperatures that cole crops love so much! You may find many of these veggies are even tastier in the fall because a night or two of frost helps to sweeten the flavor. If you end up with a lot of extras, try dehydrating them for quick meals, as in these instructions for dehydrating cabbage.


You can start replanting lettuce about 6 to 8 weeks before your first frost (for us that’s August 1 – 15). Fall planted lettuce can last unprotected in your garden until early December, depending on where you live.


Most people see spinach as a spring only crop, but it does very well in the fall! Again look at planting about 6 weeks before your first frost and you will be able to start harvesting in late October. Then cover those plants with a cold frame or hoop house and they will grow over the winter for an extra early spring crop.

Gardening Tips

  • Household Fertilizer Hacks: Give your plants a boost with nutrient-rich household items like eggshells (crushed and added to the soil), coffee grounds (composted for nitrogen), or banana peels (potassium source, buried around plants).
  • Maximize Your Space: Utilize vertical gardening techniques like trellises or hanging baskets to grow vining crops or herbs, freeing up ground space for other vegetables.
  • Start Seeds, Save Money: No matter the time of year, you can always get seeds started for the upcoming growing season or for growing indoors. Find out about the creative ways to start seeds, and save yourself some money too.
  • Staggered Seed Sowing: For some vegetables like lettuce and spinach, sow seeds every few weeks throughout the planting window. This ensures a steady supply of fresh produce as earlier plantings mature.
  • Pick the Right Varieties: When planting now (mid-June to late June), focus on fast-maturing vegetables. Cherry tomatoes, bush beans (maturing in 60-70 days), and summer squash varieties with a similar maturity date are ideal choices.
  • Transplanting Know-How: When transplanting seedlings, ensure they’re planted at the same depth they were growing in their pots. This minimizes transplant shock and promotes healthy growth.


I missed spring planting. Can I still grow vegetables this year?

Absolutely! There’s still time to plant for a late summer and fall harvest. This guide explores vegetables suited for mid-June to late June planting and those ideal for early fall (around August 1st).

What vegetables should I wait to plant for a fall harvest?

Extend your harvest by planting cool weather vegetables in late summer and early fall. Start seeds indoors now for transplanting in mid-August. You can plant:

Cole Crops: Broccoli, cabbage, kale, and kohlrabi thrive in cooler weather.
Lettuce: Begin replanting lettuce 6-8 weeks before your first frost.
Spinach: Plant 6 weeks before your first frost and cover plants in late fall/winter for an early spring crop.
Root Crops: Beets, carrots, turnips, and radishes all do well in fall. Start replanting them 6-weeks before your last frost.

Free Gardening Self-Assessment

Remember to download my printable Gardening Self-Assessment. This handy tool will help you identify areas for improvement, determine your ideal planting dates based on your location, and troubleshoot any challenges you might be facing.

Final Thoughts

With careful planning and these late-planting strategies, you can enjoy a harvest that stretches into fall. Remember, the downloadable Gardening Self-Assessment is your personalized roadmap to success. So, grab your seeds, tap into your green thumb, and get ready to savor the delicious rewards of your efforts. Happy gardening!

With contributions by Rick Stone of


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