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Here’s How the Majority Will Die in SHTF


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If you haven’t read Selco’s paperback, paperback, The Dark Secrets of Survival, now is the time.

Where are we right now, at what point in history?

“First they fascinate the fools, then they muzzle the intelligent.”
Bertrand Russell about how fascism started.

It is more and more each day about fascinating the fools and muzzling the intelligent.

“Fools” are fascinated with shiny and irrelevant stuff, sports, gambling, games, TV shows, irrelevant political discussions, following the “influencers,” and stuff that in general, gives them feeling about how their life is good or how they have influence over the things, or how they even can decide something. How they are supposed to be important, how they “matter.”

“Fools” are not necessarily fools, just ordinary folks with ordinary problems. Being in a situation where they have to fight for food every day and discovering they have been blind, fooled by the system that they are “important” can cause them to change.

“Intelligent” people might seem a bit more wise than fools, but they understand how stuff works, so they keep their mouths shut. If they talk too much, they’re going to be shut down or muzzled.

“War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.” (George Orwell, “1984”)

We are being played from one end of history when folks did not have too many rights and freedoms into another end of history wwhen people gonna be stripped and being stripped of rights and freedoms. And it will happen all in the name of rights and freedoms.

You are being shushed down in the name of freedom of speech. Rights are being taken away from you in the name of other people’s rights. Freedom is being slowly canceled in the name of “the fight for freedom and democracy.”

In this beautiful world of freedoms and rights, you need to stay stupid, love war, and you need to watch what you are saying (posting), or you might slowly die of unemployment.

Who is more sick, the system or the people?

To continue in the same spirit of the above, it is not only where the system and society are driving (or pushing you) but also about how modern systems work or how fragile they are.

A few weeks ago hospital network close to me (a few other institutions, too) suffered cyber attacks, some say from Russian hackers.

As a result, all data about medical records, surgeries data, donor banks data…everything was affected. Some services did not work for quite some time, some surgeries were postponed, and similar.

Officially, the problems were solved in a few days. Unofficially, they lasted much longer, and it was pretty chaotic because all data was unavailable.

A few days ago, something similar happened, but on a much, much larger scale. It is still unknown how large it is and how much it will influence everyday life, and for how many people. They say that a faulty security update caused thousands of Windows systems worldwide to crash, so a bunch of things simply do not work, impacting airports, banks, and TV broadcasters…

You may say it happens and people will continue to live, yes and it is not a big thing unless you need emergency surgery and no data available about you, or you have scheduled cancer treatment that needs to be postponed…or simply you are without food and without cash with a bank card that does not work.

And remember this (as it looks in this moment) is still a small thing, a small failure.

Can you imagine complete and worlwide failure?

The system is fragile. The system is operating in a way that you do not need to bomb it in order to destroy it. The bad guy just needs to“pull the plug“in the right place to start chaos. Maybe someone pulled a “small” plug just to test things the other day with this “blue screen of death?” Maybe someone wanted to shut down everything but they failed?

The big plug will be pulled sooner or later simply because someone will do it, and bad things will happen.

Now, about people…

You all watched the video of the shooting at Donald Trump.

Shots were fired, and how many people took cover (except Mr. Trump)? How many people at least lad down to make themselves smaller targets?

Very few.

There is active shooting. Nobody exactly knows what is happening, how many shooters there are, what kind of weapons are being used, and what more gonna be used. The majority of people are standing up, looking at what is happening, and recording scenes with cell phones.

Bit weird right?

It looks like the majority of people in SHTF will die simply because they will try to record SHTF on their phones.

It is not only about the system. It is about ordinary people too.

We become idiots mostly, with zero survival instincts, and the better and more modern life we have, the longer and more painful the fall we will have when SHTF.

Now, combine those people with times when the big plug gonna be taken out…

What do you think will happen then?

About Selco:

Selco survived the Balkan war of the 90s in a city under siege, without electricity, running water, or food distribution. 

In his online works, he gives an inside view of the reality of survival under the harshest conditions. He reviews what works and what doesn’t, tells you the hard lessons he learned, and shares how he prepares today.

He never stopped learning about survival and preparedness since the war. Regardless of what happens, chances are you will never experience extreme situations as Selco did. But you have the chance to learn from him and how he faced death for months.

Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard, and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world.


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