• It’s just so horrible that it’s hard for normal people to believe that these innocent people were murdered by monsters within our own governme

  • please do not take this down. you’re the only one doing this.

  • thank you for this

  • yeah, I found your library of videos: this is outstanding! thank you so much!!!

  • Never forget. never ever forget. those who were alive and those who were there. we know what happened and no one can change the story. My prayers go out to all of the heroes who helped out in any capacity, to the friends and families of the fallen. Now we have a new generation full of idiots who are actually sympathizing with terrorists like Bin Laden who burns in hell as you read this. The spirit we demonstrated during those dark days needs to come back. We worked together, are together and pulled ourselves through this wicked attempt to destroy us. It is only through that same spirit that we will regain the composure of our Republic and rid ourselves of the scourge that plagues us.

  • Krogdog, thank you for your work and for sharing this priceless information. 8fnits any help, I continuously closed the app and scrolled under live feed and was able to find it. not sure if if it’s because I’ve left your channel on for hours on end or not

  • I presume this is a loop. How long is the whole collection’s run time?