The NWO/WEF Plan For World Domination

The NWO/WEF Plan For World Domination

ORDER OUT OF CHAOS - ORDO AB CHAO - Create Chaos Then Offer Order To A Desperate Populous

What we are seeing all over the world is this plan playing out for the eventual enslavement of all mankind on planet Earth

The NWO Depopulation and Global CONTROL “End Result” is the WEF & IBC Agenda!

Clip mirrored from Telegram —>


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  • Wait till everyone learns they are deploying all this with airplanes.


  • From Nazi Germany To The World: The Fight Against The New Holocaust —>

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  • Destroying Women, Poisoning Breast Milk, Murdering Babies; and Hiding the Truth Conflicted Wire Services; Press Release Distributor, Spotify, BBC, Censored, Attacked Us –for our Pfizer Reports’ Info re mRNA Vaccine Destruction of Pregnant Women, Fetuses, Babies (Dr Naomi Wolf) —>

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  • Christians Disappear in USA & BigBang Theory Goes Bust (David Knight) —> The Culture of LEFT Liberalism is DESTROYING America by destroying the definition of Morality and our accountability before God to REPENT and walk by faith in Jesus Christ (thus receive God’s blessing of peace and prosperity). Trump who represents the Conservatives EMBRACES the homosexual morality and he is trying to redefine Christianity into a Dominionist theology to restore prosperity thru Government control of the MONEY … Make America Greedy Always! Some in pulpit who claim to represent God say that God has changed His mind about Morality, they redefine “love” to mean if it feels good do it and and they allow the women to LEAD men … This is LIE is the real SICKNESS and PLAGUE that has INFECTED America and is plunging the world into Tribulation … Judgement begins with the house of God! Maranatha.

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  • White House Releases ‘First Ever’ Comprehensive Crypto Regulatory Framework —> Following a “whole of government” executive order (E.O.) from President Joe Biden earlier this year, the White House has released a legal framework for dealing with bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in the United States, according to an official press release. The “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets” Executive Order requested that government organizations do various types of study on the privacy and protection of consumers, energy consumption, and the advantages and disadvantages of central bank digital currency (CBDC).

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  • Kim_Hopkins commented —> I think it needs to be noted that the same people pushing the shots are also the ones opposing the shots. They are strategically maneuvering through the world population right now. The biggest move they’ve ever done in one single move. It has served a purpose of wiping out a lot of us. I received two shots and since a huge awakening due to complications after, and upon diligent research that I have found a certain community outside of this one, I have successfully unindoctrinated myself. I don’t have all the answers but God, Himself, has spoken to me. Actually, spoken to me and even through Jesus Christ because I started reading the Bible and researching parallel to it. I have discovered so much and know we have been taught lies upon lies. There is no main lie these days, but Not to question EVERY SINGLE THING is preposterous. Education Day signing off on Noahide laws exposes Trump and every president. The fact that Biden hasn’t yet shows you that FEMA is in control thanks to Trump. We’ve been under martial law since Lincoln and our constitution doesn’t apply but now it’s not even a privilege. As Americans, we seem to want to trust that someone is going to save us and it’s inconceivable that there is no answer other than Jesus Christ. There are literally other nations that have it waaaaayyyy worse than us but we cannot even for a second think that maybe there is no answer in man especially Trump. I realize that the so called deep state is corrupt and definitely running the Biden puppet show, but I call it the hidden hand or shadow government because there are people in control that ARE NOT on the world stage and we will NOT know their names until they are revealed. That time is NOT here yet. Every single person we know through fake Israel, Vatican and the WEF have not revealed these people outside of that realm pulling the strings.

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  • Humanity 2.0 Is Coming — You Ignore Steve Bannon’s Warning At Your Own Peril (Joe Allen) —> ‘Good Morning CHD’ Episode 133: Transhumanism + Artificial Intelligence With Joe Allen —> The Slippery Slope To Cyborg Theocracy – It’s a short leap from smoke signals to brain chips (Joe Allen) —>

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  • Synthetic Salvation — On Genomics, Mind Uploads, and the Quest for Immortality Our elites want to live forever. The rest of us will make for rich compost. —>

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  • Across the World, Digital IDs and Digital Currencies Are Coming Unless We Put a Stop to Them —>

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  • Watch “DAVOS in the CATACOMBS: Klaus Schwab’s Secret Vatican Connection” —>

The NWO/WEF Plan For World Domination



New World Order Committee 300 Plans For Depopulation

The Committee 300 and Their Plans to Destroy the Middle Class ~ Depopulate ~ The New World Order

If you want to understand what is happening right now in todays world you need to watch this short documentary put out in 2011 – it has never been more relevant than it is today. I have also added many links below that explain who is responsible for the death and chaos and what their plans are for the world – and without our permission I might add.


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  • Anybody who doesn’t believe this video is very foolish. Elected people run nothing. They are only puppet’s and facilitators.


  • Buy local, support local businesses, it’s our only hope! Build back America, it was Trumps motto!


  • Thank you, for sharing this.


  • A beautiful planet and such a small % of BEINGS probably not even human rule over us with a Satanic – Sadistic, and totally Evil Agenda, they lie lie lie, and they keep us ground down on the WHEEL OF WORK AND SLAVERY , only a tiny % of humanity, are wealthy compared to those who struggle to get by , and many do not even get by, they die in the most dreadful circumstance, EVIL exists, here , it is alive and well, and they are now pushing for their end game, they are sick, disgusting – bereft of any sort of kindness or good intent.. I pray KARMA has them burning in HELL for ever!!


  • If WE can’t stop them, I take solace in the fact that one day “They” will answer to God


  • I was trying to buy the audio book of this but they only have it in print – so thank you SO, SO much for making this. I’ll share but unfortunately, try as I have for 2 solid years, no-one wants to know. They trot happily to their doom. God bless.


New World Order Committee 300 Plans For Depopulation



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