Categories: Crypto Freedom News

The Future Of Web 3.0


šŸ’„ What is Web3? Heck, what is Web2, or even  Web1? šŸŒ And why should we have at least a
basic understanding of what they are as crypto  investors? šŸ¤” Well letā€™s start from the beginning
and define Web1. What is Web1 or Web 1.0? Most  of us can recall when it was necessary to type
in www dot in front of whatever website we  wanted to access several years ago šŸ–„ļø And
the www stands for World Wide Web which is the  internet. When the internet first came around,
some of us can remember that horrid  screechy noise that blared when our
computers were attempting to connect  to the internet via dial-up šŸ™‰ [Sound]
So at this time, the internet was in the Web1 or  Web 1.0 stage. And the number one represents the
first development stage of the World Wide Web  or the internet. And the key characteristic of
this first iteration of the internet was simple  static websites so we could look at web pages
and browse around but there wasnā€™t a whole lot  of interaction between websites and users like
us besides crappy email services and chat rooms  eventually as time went on servers were upgraded
developers learn new skills and eventually web  2 or Web 2.0 emerged what is web 2 or Web 2.0
the number two in terms of Web 2.0 represents  the second development stage of the World Wide
Web or the internet and the difference between  the simple static websites of web 1.0 and Web
2.0 is the ability for internet users like  us to create our own content in the form of
profiles accounts blogs comments reviews videos  and social media so Web 2.0 is characterized by
websites becoming more Dynamic and responsive  like the ability to do Google searches across
multiple websites create driving directions  for road maps create social media profiles
interact with other peopleā€™s content by liking  commenting or reacting to them so essentially
interoperability was achieved in the Web 2.0  development stage or different websites and
applications could connect and interact with each  other like how we can connect our social media
accounts together or use widgets to see Twitter  feeds news feeds stock and crypto price feeds
Etc and itā€™s important to note that there is no  formal date or specific marker that delineated
when web 1.0 morphed into Web 2.0 which is  the same thing for the concept of web 3.0
at the time of this video so what is web 3 or  web 3.0 web 3.0 is a term used to refer to the
third currently emerging developmental stage of  the internet the difference between the simple
static websites of web 1 and Web 2.0 was the more  interactive Dynamic and interoperable websites of
Web 2.0 while with web 3.0 the internet operates  on decentralized technology that no one person
or entity can control allowing pretty much anyone  around the world with a smart device to connect to
and interact with users and applications directly  on the internet without the need for third parties
and another defining characteristic of web 3.0  is the application of artificial intelligence
so with web 3.0 we are seeing faster more  robust development more inclusion of users
and ultimately it will increasingly become a part  of the infrastructure of our everyday lives hello
Iā€™m crypto Casey and in this video we are going to  explore five predictions about the future of web3
how it will eventually not correlate with bull  markets bear markets or Market Cycles at large
and how itā€™s great for us crypto investors long  term this video was inspired by a tweet thread by
my favorite crypto macro Economist talsha Shea so  if youā€™ve got Twitter now X follow her profile at
Tulsa labs for more great crypto content awesome  letā€™s hit it [Music] please be sure to check out
our sponsors I trust Capital Morales money and  tandem wallet trade cryptocurrencies tax-free
within your own individual retirement account  or IRA with I trust Capital find undervalued
all coin gems before they pump in the next face  melting bull market with Morales money and invest
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to set up and use on the market right now orders  have been backed up for a few weeks so pre-order
one to get your spot online for the next batch  of bullets today scroll down and use links below
to access the correct and official site as well  as redeem any special offers they have for us
prediction one tokenization of everything so  in the New World Wide Web 3 everything will be
tokenized driverā€™s licenses passports marriage  certificates college degrees certifications
concert tickets plane tickets mortgages Deeds car  titles adoption papers birth certificates death
certificates trusts literally everything will be  be a token so what is a token a token is something
physical or digital that can be exchanged for  or represent a good service or other form of
value or utility in cryptocurrency and blockchain  Technology tokens are representative of different
types of subjective abstract speculative  value like a stake voting right a toll a
currency with an ecosystem a store of value  it can represent ownership of something or it
can be multifunctional within an ecosystem so  know that the token doesnā€™t have value in and
of itself the value comes from the asset function  or utility it represents like a gift card would be
an example of a token where the actual plastic  card in and of itself isnā€™t valuable but the
card does represent value you can exchange for  whatever terms are dictated by the gift card and
when we create a token that represents a good  a service or any of the other aforementioned
forms of value itā€™s called tokenization so weā€™ve  all probably heard of nfts or on fungible tokens
at this point and if youā€™re still having problems  wrapping your head around what it means in their
potential value proposition for the future after  this video check out my Simple Guide for beginners
that breaks down the concept of nfts by clicking  on the link above cool next prediction two digital
Global economies currently Global economies are  for the most part physically Regional like we
have the United States in the US dollar we have  China and the Yuan we have Europe and the Euro
Etc and the underlying Foundation of these  economies use the global banking system to
transact for now and each economy has their own  monetary fiscal and Taxation policies that we
have to abide by but largely have no role in  how they operate and how or when changes occur
for example in the United States to participate  in the banking system you need to qualify for a
bank account and to live obviously you need a  source of income from typically a job and the
government decides how much taxes we owe them and  they decide what they do with our tax money in
contrast with the centralized open accessible  and ever advancing technological implications
of web 3.0 we are starting to see digital  economies forming on the blockchain that we can
all interact with regardless of physical location  and people like us can choose which economies we
would like to be a part of and Within These  ecosystems we will get to decide how economic
output is distributed Among Us Versus being at  the mercy of our governments so as economies begin
to emerge on different blockchains like ethereum  Solana cardano and similar we will start to form
large digital Global economies that rival current  Global economies like the United States China are
similar and we break down this abstract Concept  in more detail together in this video you can
check out by clicking on the link above we must  also consider the development of the metaverse
and ever-changing valuations of certain nfts all  around the time where an event like kovid showed
us how fragile our physical supply chain processes  can be which greatly affected and continues to
affect distribution of physical assets basically  with both a shortage of physical assets and lack
of access to traditional Financial assets Like  Houses real estate stocks and bonds depending on
where you live or if theyā€™re affordable digital  assets will reign supreme in the future which
fortifies the prediction of the development of  digital Global economies nice prediction three
staking becomes an important income Source proof  of stake blockchain ecosystems through staking
mechanisms are more inclusive and distributed  and therefore Superior platforms for creating new
successful economies and anyone around the world  can participate in staking within a proof-of-stake
ecosystem and in a sense within that economy they  are receiving something sort of similar to a form
of passive income from sticking rewards currently  the two major sources of income for people are one
labor income in the form of wages and salaries  and two capital income from Investments like
interest and dividends staking is a new way to  participate in an economy relatively passively
in its way for cryptocurrency ecosystems like  ethereum for example to incentivize people to help
maintain secure and participate in the network  so staking will continue to evolve over time
to encourage people to participate in economies  like by rewarding people for providing liquidity
to certain D5 or decentralized manage protocols  or validating transactions via proof of stake
protocols and more at the end of the day staking  will become a popular way for digital economies on
web 3 to distribute value among its participants  sweet prediction 4. transformation of the middle
class both the Industrial Revolution and Tech  Revolution created a global environment where big
businesses seek out the cheapest labor possible  to keep profits high this both created the middle
class and is the cause of its decline however web  3 can help rebuild and transform the middle class
and ultimately this will help with classical  ability what is class Mobility socioeconomic
class Mobility describes the ease with which a  person born into a lower class can move into a
higher class in the dawn of advertising we got the  oppression of the masses seducing and distracting
us with materialism media and journalism to  keep us at Bay so web3 technology is giving
us a glimmer of hope that the way we destroy  review value within economies can be more fair
inclusive and give us the opportunity to move  from lower classes to higher classes within our
lifetimes because nearly everyone regardless of  social class has access to smartphones computers
and most importantly the internet that is slowly  but surely transitioning from web 2 to web 3. cool
prediction 5. exponential increase in investors  with the onset of web 3 everyone around the world
will have access to the technology and will  be able to participate in digital economies so
basically everyone will become an investor in one  way or another also as we discussed in a previous
prediction everything will become tokenized which  creates even more investment opportunities for
us all so democratization of these new economies  and how we distribute value as well as increases
in class Mobility leads to more people having  more money in the metaverse and nft Revolution
will provide us with a vast and varied amount of  assets to invest that money in because investing
is an important source of income that many  people around the world didnā€™t and still donā€™t
have the opportunity to take advantage of due to  location lack of money or lack of knowledge web3
Bridges those gaps and as a result we will all  be investors finance and economics was created
to be complicated complex and daunting on purpose  to keep a small Elite group satisfy wide while
the mass majority of people on the planet do all  the Dirty Work trading our precious non-renewable
resource time for money and are kept poor on  purpose so finance and investing practices
are and will continue to become more accessible  easy to use and simple to understand and web 3
could very well take a major toll on the financial  management industry as people will opt to manage
their own Investments instead of delegating it  to someone else because in crypto if you hold
your assets in your own wallet you actually have  complete possession ownership and control over
it not just a representation of ownership like a  stock so as crypto investors we need to make sure
we have complete control over our investments by  transferring our crypto off of exchanges to hold
in our very own Cold Storage Hardware wallets  like tangible tangent wall is extremely simple
and easy to set up literally taking a few minutes  and friends and family Iā€™ve onboarded into crypto
love it there is a wait for the next batch of  wallets so make sure to get your spot in mind
earlier rather than later tangent wall looks  like a credit card uses the highest standard of
security among crypto wallets known as eal-6 plus  which is a level of protection used by NASA and
in passports the source code for tangemā€™s mobile  app is all open and available for review on their
GitHub which is important for full transparency  to ensure there are no back doors built in and
that funds can be accessed if the company shuts  down for any reason instead of seed phrases as
the only way to backup our crypto wallets backup  copies of the wallet are created and used on other
tangent cards that we encrypt with our own unique  access code we create for each card also note the
pricing for this cryptocurrency Hardware wallet is  much cheaper and more affordable than other ones
starting at just over 40 dollars with a discount  and free shipping using our promo code so scroll
down and use link below to access tandemā€™s correct  and official site as well as redeem any special
offers they have for us awesome if you would  like to see a full walkthrough guide on how to
set up and use tangible to secure your crypto  Investments check out this video if you would
like to learn about a free tool that keeps our  crypto Wallet safe when using web3 called Walla
guard check out this video and to get your very  own tangent wallet to completely own and control
your crypto click on the link on the screen  like And subscribe for more be safe out there


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