SHTF Survival Prepping

NWO/WEF And BlackRock’s Plan For You

NWO/WEF And BlackRock's Plan For You How To Maintain Freedom In The Coming UnFree World Your Personal and Financial Slavery…

2 months ago

War Is Coming

War Is Coming Another Fight For Freedom The truth is, war is already here, and has been for some time.One…

2 months ago

Trump Assassination Attempt Stopped At Trump Rally

Trump Assassination Attempt Stopped At Trump Rally Things Are Getting Intense This article is reposted here from and we…

4 months ago

Governments Need War Because Their Debts Are No Longer Sustainable

Governments Need War Because Their Debts Are No Longer Sustainable Interview With Martin Armstrong Armstrong’s work allows us to connect…

4 months ago

The American Patriot Has The Power To Remove The Gang Of Traitors

The American patriot has the power to remove the gang of traitors Cowardice in the face of aggression is and…

4 months ago

Why Freedom Is So Rare

Why Freedom Is So Rare Let's Examine The Three Types Of People United Nations Is A Club Of Governments. These…

4 months ago

Send All Criminals World Wide To USA

Send All Criminals World Wide To USA Why Would Biden Admin Put Out This Announcement? Public Announcement: PrepperGrizz Is Not…

5 months ago


CONSPIRACY THEORY # 3276 This is only one of many theories that should be considered - don't put anything past…

5 months ago

More Americans Rejecting The Constitution And Embracing Violence

More Americans Rejecting The Constitution And Embracing Violence Many Of These People Have Lost Faith In Democracy Polls show majority…

11 months ago


A MESSAGE TO CITIZENS OF AMERICA Big Brother Is Watching You Everything going on today has already been predicted. George…

12 months ago