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All About Water Purification: A Complete Tutorial


You may need to purify water to make it safe to drink. The process isn’t complicated, but you should know exactly what to do and have the right supplies on hand. Here’s a complete tutorial to help you prepare.

Photo by Manny Moreno on Unsplash

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Having water on hand is crucial for survival, but knowing how to safely store, treat, filter, and purify water is equally important. Consuming contaminated water can lead to severe illness, which can quickly become life-threatening in emergency situations. If you have water stored, you may be certain it is safe to drink, however, you’ll to filter and purify water from other sources, such as ponds or springs, or to double-check the safety of your stored supply. Understanding how to safely treat water is vital to staying healthy and alive in any situation.

Treating stored water

Water bottles and water stored from a safe drinking supply (tap water from a municipal plant) should be fine to drink. Other stored water, such as from a well or from another method for collecting rainwater in rural areas, needs to be treated.

You should keep some unscented bleach on hand for emergencies, but be aware that bleach does have a fairly short shelf life. It starts to break down after six months and needs to be replaced every 12-16 months. Rotate your bleach bottles frequently to ensure you have effective bleach on hand.

The Survival Mom recommends using 1/8 teaspoon of bleach with no additives per gallon if the water is clear.

Filtering and Purifying

Making water potable requires two steps: filtering and purifying. Filtering removes bits of things, like sand and bugs. It removes big particles, not microscopic ones like bacteria. Purifying removes or kills germs and bacteria, although some methods are more effective than others.

Filtering first and then purifying is the best practice for drinking water, partly because it extends the life of your purifier and partly because some purification methods (such as boiling) do absolutely nothing to filter out debris.

Filtering water

Tap water can become contaminated even in non-emergency situations like a drought, but it’s more common in an emergency. In a non-emergency, you will almost certainly find out either from news stories or when you receive a phone call notifying you to boil your water to make it potable. (Potable water can be safely consumed.) In a true emergency, treating your water source as likely contaminated until proven otherwise is safest.

You may have to seek water sources inside your home, like the water heater, or outside the home, like a pond or stream. Water from sources that aren’t guaranteed to be safe should be filtered first and then purified. Filtering removes big impurities like leaves, dirt, insects, and sticks. Towels, screens, and coffee filters can be used to filter water. Another way to do it if you don’t have those items on hand is to improvise a water filter that lets the water flow through layers of rocks, sand, and charcoal to filter out debris.

Sometimes, commercial “filters” are actually purifiers. It is important to do both steps (filter and then purify), so make sure you look closely at what the product actually does because you need both. If it is a purifier, then you need to add a filter – unless you enjoy spider legs and leaves in your drinks.

Purifying water

Once water is filtered, there are several ways to purify it. You can boil it, add bleach, use calcium hypochlorite, use UV light, add water purification tablets, or use a commercial device.


Boiling water can be a great way to purify water, but it does have a couple of downsides. First, it can concentrate any chemical contaminants in the water. As water evaporates as steam, it will leave behind liquid water that may contain a more concentrated level of certain contaminants.

Another downside is that it requires fuel and time for the water to come to a full boil. If either is in short supply, boiling won’t be your best bet.

Otherwise, you want to heat the water to 149 degrees for 1 minute to pasteurize it. Pasteurization actually occurs at a lower temperature than boiling, but you’ll need either a thermometer to verify the water temperature or a WAPI, Water Pasteurization Indicator. Read a review of the WAPI here. This inexpensive device is a handy addition to any emergency kit.


Adding bleach to water can also treat it for some pathogens. The American Red Cross actually recommends boiling and using bleach. If you want to add bleach to boiled water, make sure it has been cooled down first. Once bleach has been added and allowed to sit for at least 30 minutes, the water should have a slight chlorine smell. If you do not smell a bit of chlorine, add another drop or two.

Bleach Reference Chart

Water Amount Cloudy Water Clear Water
1 quart 4 drops bleach 2 drops bleach
1 gallon 16 drops 8 drops
5 gallons 1 teaspoon 1/2 teaspoon
55 gallons 4 tablespoons 2 tablespoons

Since bleach has a shelf life and begins to lose its effectiveness after just a few months, write the purchase date on the bleach bottle using a black Sharpie. This will be a reminder each time you see that bottle that you need to start using it and replace it with a new bottle about 6 or 7 months following the purchase date.

Next, with that same Sharpie, write, “8 drops per gallon water, 16 drops cloudy water,” on the bottle. With this information right in front of you, you won’t be rummaging around looking for these amounts in an emergency.

Finally, duct tape an eyedropper to the side of the bleach bottle. These are very inexpensive online and can be found in drug stores and, usually, in the over-the-counter medicine aisle in the grocery store.

A handy eyedropper will make sure that you’re using the correct amount of bleach, and you won’t have to resort to using an eyedropper from another medication.

Other Methods for Purifying

Calcium Hypochlorite aka Pool Shock

Calcium hypochlorite has a longer shelf life than bleach but is also trickier to use for purifying water. You can often find it labeled as pool shock, but make certain it doesn’t have any extra additives. (It needs to be safe to purify water for drinking, not just for swimming in.) The Survival Mom recommends Cal-Shock 65.

You can read in-depth about pool shock here. When using pool shock, you make a solution of homemade bleach with a teaspoon of pool shock and 2 gallons of water. (A pool test kit comes in handy to make sure the right amount is added.) To purify water with the homemade bleach solution, add 1 ¼ teaspoon to 1 gallon of water.

UV Light

UV light can purify water. The battery-powered SteriPen uses UV light to purify small amounts of water. There is also a hand-crank version of the Steripen. Hospitals use UV light for water purification, so this device is reliable when used according to the instructions.

Water Purification Tablets

Another option for purifying water is the use of water purification tablets. These are good short-term methods since they contain iodine. They are a good addition to a vehicle or bug-out bag since they are small and lightweight. However, iodine should not be used for more than six weeks and not by pregnant women. As with boiling, it is effective against many pathogens, but not with chemical pollutants.

Purifier of Water Packets

Team Survival Mom is in favor of the P&G Purifier of Water packets. They are pre-measured, super-easy to store, and simple to use.

Commercial Water Purification Devices

There are also many commercial water purification devices that you can have on hand. There is LifeStraw, Katadyn, Berkey, and many others. They can easily be added to any bug-out bag or vehicle. Some can be used for large quantities of water, while others are designed for one person.

Well Considerations

If you have a well for water, it should be tested regularly, especially if you haven’t used it for several weeks, if new equipment has been installed, if there has been flooding or an earthquake, or if it smells, looks, or tastes funny.

If you have a new well pump installed, the hoses that actually go into the well – in your water – will be lying on the ground before being put down into the well. This means they will potentially be covered in who knows what from the ground. It is extremely important to have a professional (the ones installing your well) treat the water with high chlorine doses to kill germs and bacteria.

Your water will not be potable until the chlorine level goes down, so be prepared to use bottled water for drinking. Keep enough bottled water on hand, both in small and large containers, for any time that your well water might become contaminated or your well pump stops functioning.

When a new pump is installed, well water should be tested again after two weeks to ensure it is bacteria-free and safe to drink. Depending on the filters in your home, you may be able to drink it sooner. Our home has a sediment filter, a whole-house UV filter, and a reverse osmosis filter for our primary drinking water. We were able to drink the water after the chlorine smell went down (two or three days) but still needed to be certain the water was safe just in case our UV filter failed.

Wells can be a great source of water in an emergency, but you need to have a way to get the water up when the power is out. Consider getting a backup system that uses a generator, solar power, or a hand pump. Well pumps actually use quite a bit of power, so check your requirements and the generator capacity carefully.

Whole House UV Filters

Very few people have whole-house UV filters, but they do add peace of mind for a few hundred dollars. There is no denying it’s an expense, but it kills micro-organisms that filters don’t affect. Three filters may sound like overkill, but once when an earthquake caused our neighbors’ well water to become brown and undrinkable, our multiple filters left us unaware of the problem until we heard them talking about it. It is worth being certain.

Swimming Pool Water

If you have a swimming pool, you may think you have a great source of emergency water, and you do – for anything other than drinking or cooking. Pool water may contain chemicals that act as a laxative and can be toxic over a long period of time. Chlorine-resistant bacteria can be in the water from the bodies of people who have swum in the pool.

Believe it or not, I struggled to find experts who could answer my questions about safety issues and drinking pool water. Even National Terror gave a confusing answer:

You should always view your pool as “backup” water; keep it treated; you never know when it will be needed! The maintenance of the free chlorine residual will prevent the establishment of any microorganisms. The maintenance level should be kept about 3-5ppm free of chlorine.  If other stored water stocks are unavailable, remove the necessary pool water and boil it or treat it with chlorine to the normal 5ppm. It is best to err on the side of caution.

National Terror

Robin Bain from the City of Peoria (Arizona) water department provided some good insight into pool water safety for drinking. She informed me that when water leaves the treatment plant, it contains between 1 and 1.5 mg chlorine residual per liter. The chlorine residual is in a form that can continue disinfecting the water as it passes through the pipes on its journey to your home. Chlorine is necessary to kill any type of pathogens that may exist in the pipes.

She explained, stating that chlorine dissipates very quickly in the sunlight and is consumed by its reaction with the air and sunlight. Additional chlorine is added to pool water to keep algae away and sanitize the water from any germs or other yucky things tracked in by people. She informed me that the chlorine wasn’t the problem.  

The problem is the stabilizer added to pool chlorine. This stabilizer keeps the chlorine from evaporating as quickly, but the stabilizer never evaporates. The only way to reduce the amount of stabilizer in your pool water is to drain the pool, partially or completely, and refill it with fresh water.

4 Reasons to NOT Consume Pool Water

Alan Martindale, Water Quality Supervisor for the City of Mesa (Arizona), says there are four very important reasons not to consume swimming pool water, other than a gulp or two accidentally when your toddler splashes it in your face.

  1. High total dissolved solids (mineral content such as chlorides, sulfates, calcium, and magnesium) can cause a laxative effect, not a good problem to have in an emergency!
  2. Treatment chemicals are not safe for long-term ingestion.  Pool chlorine is often stabilized with cyanuric acid, a derivative of cyanide.
  3. Chlorine-resistant critters such as Giardia and Crypto (typically from pets)
  4. Portability: many emergencies could require mobility, and can’t move pool water very easily

Additionally, a power outage will shut down your pool’s pump and filtration system, causing algae and other microbes to grow within a few days.

So, what is pool water good for besides swimming? It’s useful for bathing, flushing toilets, and perhaps doing laundry. This is very good news for pool owners since it means you only need to worry about storing water for drinking and cooking purposes. In an emergency, all that pool water will definitely not go to waste!

Pool water is also a type of water that shouldn’t be purified by boiling, as it will increase the concentration of the chemicals and minerals it contains. If there is no power for the pool’s pump and filter system, it could start to become a breeding ground for insects and algae. Having pool test kits on hand can help you know if the chlorine levels are set right to prevent mosquitoes. The water can be used for laundry, flushing toilets, and washing animals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is water purification important?

Contaminated water can lead to severe illness, which can be life-threatening in emergencies. Even stored water may need treatment.

What are the steps involved in water treatment?

There are two main steps: filtering and purifying. Filtering removes large particles like dirt and debris, while purifying removes or kills germs and bacteria.

What about well water?

Test your well water regularly, especially after heavy rain, earthquakes, or if it smells or tastes off. Consider a backup system for pumping water in case of power outages.

Can I drink pool water?

While there is conflicting information, it is best to be cautious and consider pool water to not be safe for drinking due to high mineral content, treatment chemicals, and potential for bacteria growth. It’s better for bathing, flushing toilets, or laundry.


Final Thoughts

Access to clean water is essential for survival, but knowing how to ensure its safety is equally critical. By understanding water purification methods and being prepared with the necessary tools, you can significantly increase your chances of staying healthy and alive in an emergency. Remember, when in doubt, always purify your water.


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