Categories: Prepper News

A Crazy Year in Review: The Ten Most-Read Posts of 2023


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The year that is just about to be behind us was a wild ride, and the most-viewed posts of 2023 prove it.

From conspiracy theories that became conspiracy facts to bank failures to being on the brink of war, it was certainly stressful at times. Preppers are prepping harder than ever because of these events, skyrocketing crime rates, a brutal economy, and stuff that sounds like science fiction.

Here are the top ten posts of 2023 (and an honorable mention).

Everyone loves a hero, and during the horrific terror attack on Israel on October 7, 25-year-old Inbal Lieberman was just that. Her quick thinking and willingness to act outside of official orders saved her community from Hamas attackers.

Read this article by me here:

Honorable Mention: Your Emergency Medicine Kit: The Prescriptions You REALLY Need 

Coming in just a couple of views below #10 was proof that Americans don’t trust the medical system to be able to provide for them.

Preppers have always been security conscious, working hard to avoid dangerous situations. But, according to this article by Fabian, the uptick in increasingly random violence is different…and much more difficult to prevent.

Read it here:

At the same time, a spectacle was being made of President Trump when he was very publicly arrested, an extremely worrisome thing was happening to our economy. The world is rapidly dumping the dollar, and that’s a next-level economic disaster. This article by me explains what’s going on and how to protect yourself from it.

In case you missed it:

Welp, conspiracy theories aren’t lasting very long before they’re turned into conspiracy facts. By the first week of March, Marie noted that six major conspiracy theories had been proven not to be so crazy after all. More importantly, many of these now-proven theories have caused people to lose their jobs and face legal woes. We still await our apologies from the ones who said we were crazy.

Check it out:

Marie was on fire this year – here’s another article by her in the top ten. Are you wondering whether the meat at the grocery store is safe or if you’re unknowingly ingesting mRNA vaccines? You’re not alone.

Here’s the scoop on our meat supply:

I wrote a lot of finance articles this year, including this one coming in at #5. I found a video of the FDIC meeting with a very alarming clip. If things go south, they’re planning a bail-in – using OUR money.

Here’s exactly how they plan to do it:

Fabian’s article about systemic failure really got people thinking. When a society is struggling with a major event, the repercussions of smaller events are much greater than they would’ve been when the system was intact.

He provided several examples to prove his point:

Aden got people thinking with his article about deducing information based on the actions of others. In the third-most-popular article of the year, he discussed what we could figure out about folks using night vision.

What can you deduce from this scenario?

We got super close to being dragged into multiple conflicts around the world this year. But I thnk the closest was in October after the massacre of Jews in Israel by members of the Hamas terror group. The American military conducted some airstrikes and pledged support to Israel, and it really looked like things would go hot with rhetoric from a host of countries and their allies.

I got to thinking about how to prep for such an event.

And finally, the most popular article of 2023 was the one I wrote when Moody’s downgraded 27 American banks. I found the list and published it so that if you had money in there, you could at least have fair warning. Many people wrote that they banked with some of the ones on the list and that they immediately made changes.

Our economic system is precarious and everyone who reads this site is aware of it. Thankfully we are able to protect ourselves to some degree with advance warning.

These banks are on the shakiest ground, according to Moody’s:

What were your favorite articles from The OP this year?

Did one of these articles stand out in your mind?  Were there some articles on The OP that you found important and actionable that did not make the list? Which ones? What topics did you find the most concerning last year? What kind of content would you like us to cover in the year ahead?

Please let us know in the comments section.



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