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63 Trillion $ Debt Bubble Meltdown Enter Great Reset


the U.S debt bubble is growing bigger

and bigger and bigger and when this debt

bubble Pops in fact it might have

already popped we are going to see one

of the biggest recession in financial

crashes of all time because right now

folks pay attention to this there is

over 63 trillion dollars in debt

outstanding in America that 63 trillion

is comprised of Consumer Debt government

debt and corporate debt and it’s over

three times more than the total income

that America brings in each year of 21

trillion and as this bubble pops you’re

going to see all of the zombie companies

in America that are really supporting

our economy these companies that lose

money but hire a lot of workers these

zombie companies are gonna start to go

bankrupt and they’re going to go out of

business which is going to perpetuate a

deep recession deeper than most people

can even imagine right now because I

want you to take a look at this graph

for everyone it shows the growth rate in

the number of businesses in America

since the end of 2018. we can see a 10

percent growth in the number of

businesses increasing from 9.8 million

million to 10.8 million now most would

look at that graph and think that this

is a good thing that there’s more

businesses in America but when you

compare the Blue Line the growth in

businesses to the Orange Line the growth

in employees over the same time period

you could see a problem and that’s that

the number of employees through the end

of 2021 in America was actually below

where it was in 2018 yet the number of

businesses was 11 percent higher and so

by looking at this data you can all

start to realize that in fact in America

we actually don’t have a shortage of a

workers employees but we have on the

other end a bubble and an over abundance

in the number of businesses that often

lose money that are allowed to exist

because of the Raging debt bubble that’s

occurred over the last several years and

last several decades this situation is

creating the perception of a strong

labor market in a strong economy in some

circles but when you begin to analyze

the debt bubble you start to see that

this is all a house of cards house of

cards that in recent years has been

propped up by the U.S government

spending money like a drunken sailor and

taking out an epic amount of debt I mean

just take a look at this everyone back

in 2008 at the peak of the last

Financial bubble in Crash before

everything really turned sour the U.S

federal government had 6.2 trillion

dollars in outstanding debt fast forward

to today and that’s gone up by more than

500 percent all the way to 26 trillion

at the same time consumer debts gone up

from 14 trillion to 18 trillion a

corporate debt’s gone from 11 trillion

to 20 trillion and so folks this is what

I call a debt binge the government

consumers and corporations in tandem are

going nuts taking out debt and this is

ultimately what’s been sustaining the

U.S economy over the last 15 years but

especially over the last two years

because during the pandemic the U.S

government pumped nearly five trillion

dollars of debt fueled money into the

economy going to individuals and

families businesses state and local

governments as well as health care

agencies but I know a lot of you are

starting to look at this data and say to

yourselves right now wait a minute this

looks unsustainable the government and

consumers and corporations can’t keep

taking out debt forever especially now

that the Federal Reserve is tightening

the screws on monetary policy this is

the big change that’s occurred in the

last six months from the previous 20

years is that the FED is now getting

serious about fighting inflation they’re

jacking up interest rates they’re taking

money out of the system through

quantitative tightening and this is

ultimately what’s going to crash the

debt bubble because now now folks that

interest rates are up if a consumer has

a credit card well their credit card

payments are going to go up and they

can’t take out as much credit card debt

if a corporation wants to issue a new

corporate bond well now that corporate

bond is going to be at a higher interest

rate which is going to deteriorate their

profitability and then the big one is

really the US government as U.S

government debt continues to roll with a

massive 59 percent of all government

debt maturing over the next four years

they’re going to have to refinance it at

higher interest rates which is going to

increase the cost burden of government

Debt Service which is ultimately going

to mean less money in the budget in the

future for stimulus checks and support

for the economy and so what does means

everyone for you all out there is that

you better be preparing for this

recession to be worse than anticipated

because a debt crisis recession a debt

bubble recession well that’s the worst

kind of recession we saw in 2008 just

how bad that could be when a debt bubble

pops it takes years and years to recover

but what potentially makes today worse

than 2008 is the fact that we have to

deal with record levels of inflation

something we didn’t have to deal with

back then year over year consumer prices

in America are up by over eight percent

and that throws a big wrench in the

system because inflation is a big

economic headwind the more that gas

prices go up the more that food prices

go up the less that people are going to

have to spend on other goods and

services in the economy now in previous

years in previous decades if people

started running out of money they would

have taken out more debt they would have

increased their credit card balances or

you know the US government like they did

during the pandemic would have sent

stimulus checks to everyone and that

would have kept the economy going

problem is that these things are really

no longer viable Solutions because if we

take a look at data over the last 50 to

60 years we can see that right now in

America total debt is around 297 percent

of personal income that’s again the 63

trillion in debt compared to the 21

trillion in income in America now if we

go back to the 1970s we can see that the

debt levels were a much more manageable

147 percent of total income and so that

meant that when the inflation surged in

the 70s and 80s it was bad but Americans

actually were then able to take out more

debt in following years to compensate

for the fact that the cost of goods was

higher so that kept the economy going

however now in 2022 with this massive

inflation surge we don’t have the room

anymore to take out more debt which is

ultimately going to mean a debt crisis

and a deleveraging in the economy that’s

going to be very painful it’s going to

be like weaning off a drug we’ve gotten

so used to over the last 15 years that

debt would come to the rescue whether it

was government debt or Consumer Debt or

corporate debt there’d be a way that

money could come into the system and

keep things going and that that’s not

going to happen in the same way going

forward which is going to lead to a lot

of layoffs it’s going to lead to lots of

company bankruptcies and it’s going to

lead to an even further crash in the

stock market in the housing market in

the crypto market and some of you will

be more in the crosshairs of this crash

than others for instance if you’re

someone who works for a tech company

that loses money and you have a lot of

debt taken out either through your house

or through margin loans on your stock

portfolio you’re going to be more in the

crosshairs of the crash that’s coming

and as a result you should probably take

more precaution and try to save more

money meanwhile if you’re someone who

works for a company that makes money and

has solid earnings you don’t have much

debt on hand and you have a lot of

liquid Savings in your bank account

you’re not going to be as exposed to the

downturn and in fact you’re going to be

in a good position to capitalize off

this downturn in coming months and years

because there’s going to be a lot of

buying opportunities out there and I

think it’s really important that you all

keep this frame of mind right that while

some of this information and data will

sound scary to you all in reality this

will be a massive Opera opportunity for

a lot of people who maybe sat out over

the last two to three years because they

didn’t feel comfortable taking out loans

and taking out debt and participating in

the crazy stock market and housing

market well now your time is coming to

take advantage of the downturn that’s

going to come as the debt bubble pops

and the excesses go away and the

Ultimate Reality of this situation

everyone is that there is going to be no

easy way out I think a lot of people

like to think that the Federal Reserve

is just going to come to the rescue

again right like some people say oh

we’re not going to have a bad asset

crash we’re not going to have a bad

economic crash because the FED at some

point either later this year in 2023 is

going to cut rates and print money again

but here’s the thing that everyone seems

to forget and that’s that this is not

just a U.S debt bubble this is a global

debt bubble according to Reuters Global

debt was fast approaching 300 trillion

dollars at the end of 2021 so it’s not

only America that’s in this situation

it’s most countries in the world whether

they be Canada or Sweden or China or the

UK or Australia and so that creates the

risk factor of a a worldwide contagion

effect across debt markets stock markets

and housing markets across the globe

that could make this downturn a

self-fulfilling prophecy regardless of

what the Federal Reserve tries to do and

what’s crazy to me is how similar right

now in 2022 looks and feels to 2007 the

year before the huge financial and

housing crash across the world we’re

seeing so many of the same things play

out we have a debt bubble we have a

housing bubble and a stock bubble which

are both deflating at the same time we

have most of the countries in the world

exposed to this bubble we have

record-setting gas prices the last time

gas prices reached this level was 2008

right before the last crash things are

lining up in a way where I think we’re

going to see a very similar downturn

play out in this recession maybe not so

much as the entire banking system is

going to collapse but in terms of

declines in asset values whether it be

real estate or stocks I think they’re

going to be similar to what they were

from 2007 to 2012 and perhaps worse in

certain k cases because as Economist

noriel rubini points out today we Face

Supply shocks in a context of much

higher debt levels implying that we were

heading for a combination of get this

folks 1970s stagflation to go along with

2008 style debt crisis that is a

stagflationary debt crisis something

that this world has never seen at least

in recorded history over the last couple

hundred years we are entering Uncharted

Territory for what we’re about to see in

the economy in not just America but

across the globe over the next one to


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