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30 Things to Do With Peaches Today!


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Of all the fruits that grow on our beautiful planet, fresh peaches are one of the most delicious. If you’re wondering what do do with lots of peaches, this collection of peach recipes will keep you busy enjoying this summer treat year-round.

In the summertime, our kitchen counter is often loaded with fresh peaches, and I’ve been searching for the best things to do with peaches. My kids love them, and a few weeks ago, my daughter created for me an incredible protein shake full of the fresh smell of a ripe peach. I’d even plant peach trees in my backyard except my grow zone isn’t exactly ideal for this fruit.

I’ve got a lot of peaches, though, so I’m going to need a lot of recipes! Jams, jellies, desserts, and even a few savory dishes — fortunately, peaches go with just about everything. This is one versatile fruit to include in your food storage planning!

Tips For Using Peaches

  • If you don’t have, or are out of fresh peaches, you may be able to adapt recipes for use with canned, frozen, or freeze-dried versions.
  • We tend to associate peaches with sweet dishes, but if you haven’t tried them in a savory dish, you’re missing out! Try adding chunks of fresh peaches to salads and grill thick slices for an easy summer side dish.
  • Avoid mushy peaches by giving each one a gentle squeeze. A mushy peach will feel a little too soft and have wrinkled or shriveled skin.
  • If a peach looks old, give it the sniff test. An peach past its prime may have a fermented or slightly ‘off’ smell.
  • Shop different types of ethnic stores and farmers markets during the summer season to find other peach varieties.

When is Peach Season?

Peach season varies across the country. Compare this peach ripening chart to your area of the country, or check u-pick farms and farmer’s markets near you.

How to Check for Ripeness in Fresh Peaches

There are four things to look for to determine if a peach is ripe:

  1. It should smell peachy and sweet. No smell, no eat.
  2. With gentle pressure, it should “give.” If it’s firm, it’s not ready.
  3. There should be no green on the fruit at all.
  4. As a peach ripens, it becomes more round.

Health Benefits

Peaches, a stone fruit, have great antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. They’re full of fiber and can help prevent ailments from digestive issues to certain kinds of cancer. For example, the most researched benefits include boosting immunity and reducing blood sugar levels and certain toxins in the body.


How do I store fresh peaches?

Unripe peaches can be stored at room temperature until they ripen. Once ripe, peaches should be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-5 days.

What are some different types of peaches?

Clingstone: The flesh sticks to the pit. These are great for baking.
Freestone: The flesh separates easily from the pit. These are good for eating fresh.
White Flesh: These peaches have a milder flavor than yellow peaches.
Nectarines: Smooth-skinned peaches (Yes, they really are!) with a similar flavor to yellow peaches.

What are some other ways to use peaches besides eating them fresh?

With this list of recipes, I think I’ve demonstrated there are so many yummy ways to use peaches besides eating them fresh. Peaches can be grilled, roasted, pickled, or dehydrated. They can also be used in smoothies, salsas, and even savory sauces.

Can I plant a peach tree?

Peach trees can be grown in many climates, but they do require a certain amount of chilling hours each winter. Research the specific needs of different varieties to see if they’ll thrive in your area. Sadly, my current zone isn’t a good fit for growing peach trees.

Final Thoughts

From sweet treats to savory surprises, there’s a way to enjoy this versatile fruit for every meal. (And if you order them like I do, you’ll almost have to!) Whether you’re lucky enough to have a backyard orchard or find yourself with a basketful from the farmer’s market, you need never wonder what to do with lots of peaches again! I hope this collection has inspired you to explore some of the delicious possibilities. So grab your favorite variety and get creative in the kitchen! We’d love to hear from you in the comments below – what’s your all-time favorite way to enjoy a peach?

This post was updated 06/3/2024


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